We help you develop commercial units, multi-family residential buildings, and complexes that are great investments.

real estate development & investment Chicago

Urban Edge Group raises the capital investment for our real estate development projects in Chicago. As an investor, you can partner with us and watch your investment grow from the ground up.

invest with Urban EDGE GROUP

Acquiring the land

We are always looking for an opportune piece of land that has a promising potential for future revenues. We acquire the land through all the legal processes involved. Urban Edge Group has explored potentially viable pieces of land and we are always looking for new neighborhoods or unexplored areas of the metropolis to turn them into profitable ventures.

Planning the site

We plan the site according to the neighborhood. We run thorough surveys to explore the site’s potential and make estimates for its residential or commercial value.

Site Development

Being a general contractor, site development is our expertise and something we excel at. We develop the projects ourselves which ensures that we do not have to compromise on quality and get the most out of our site.

Invest with us

For further information about investing with Urban Edge Group, please send us a message